Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 23

Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone sadly. We had a great time with family and friends and Mr. W clocked in a ridiculous amount of hours working Black Friday. We even went out Saturday night, however in the venture I was clearly made aware of that times have changed for me drastically in just 5 1/2 months. We went out with friends and then had a late night visit at iHop. I am fine with admitting that I think that is my last out and about night like that for a very long time... 2 days later and I am still feeling the effects of that decision. Although it was fun it's pretty obvious that I am just in a different place in my life. Preparing for motherhood started the day I found out I was pregnant, I'm harboring this human being as it develops and grows preparing for life on the outside. I can't over stress, over exhaust, or overwhelm.

I got word one of my really great girlfriends Tiffany is expecting baby #2 just about 4 months after our little one makes his debut. I swear, there is something in the water here it seems because I know so many ladies expecting right now. I'm so happy to be sharing this experience with some of my closest friends.

Someone said I seemed to have "popped" this week - which I came to find out means that I officially look pregnant and my baby bump has really made it's debut. Funny cause I thought it had done that 5 weeks ago or so... but I guess it's much more pronounced now - I guess you can be the judge of that.

Sadly our ultrasound has gotten pushed, apparently there are no ultrasound technicians on staff for Wednesday (which is when I was originally scheduled) and they had to reschedule. Sad panda. Originally they tried to schedule me for the 6th in the afternoon but I have a OB GYN appointment that morning for my 6 month check up so I had to call and reschedule it yet again and now we have 2 weeks to wait. It will be worth the wait though I know it.

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: 15.2lb.
Maternity clothes? I have ONE pair of maternity jeans so sue me. 
Stretch marks? Nope! :)
Sleep: I have a hard time going to sleep early and so I know I am not getting the amount of sleep I should have. Naps are my friend.
Best moment last week: Shopping for baby clothes.
Movement: RJ kicks me on a pretty constant basis, especially in the mornings and at night when I am trying to go to sleep - He must think the stillness means playtime for him.
Food cravings: Anything spicy... that isn't really a craving though I just love spicy food and thankfully I haven't had to deal with any heartburn.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Feeling my little one squirming around and severe lower back pain.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Oh so happy && content.
Looking forward to: Feeling and SEEING even more movement.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I bought maternity jeans. Le sigh.

It's true. I caved. I bought a single pair of maternity jeans. My excuse is that I can't find skinny jeans that fit me currently so I bought a single pair of skinny maternity jeans so I can wear cute boots I've been buying. That seems justified right? Well, that's my story and I am sticking to it. I am really self conscious wearing them so who knows if I will actually keep wearing them. I keep getting worried that the nude band that starts where a normal zipper is halfway up is at. I really feel ridiculous in them.

So yeah. There is that. I own a piece of maternity wear.

Le sigh.

Friday, November 23, 2012

22 Weeks.

This week has been interesting to say the least. My emotions have been getting the best of me a lot more it seems and my mood changes at a drop of a hat - Luckily for the husband those moods usually being hyper and exhausted. I think Mr. W lucked out that I am not one of those that dishes out a lot of "pregnancy rage" as he calls it.

Baby RJ is a kicker let me tell you, I say it is his way of letting us know he is a soccer player but Mr. W insists that its him saying he is going to be a MMA fighter. Haha, we have such high expectations for this kid already it seems. I'm still adjusting to the feeling of it, it is amazing but at the same time it is still freaky to feel. Mr. W puts his hand on my tummy in the evenings to feel the little thumps against his hand.

We had Thanksgiving at my folks house and then mainly hung out at home the rest of the day. Mr. W had an intense black Friday schedule and needed rest. Speaking of black Friday, I really didn't participate much... I went to Carter's baby and kid store at 6AM with my sister on Friday and got some pieces half off, grabbed a sausage biscuit on the way home, and was back into bed by 7:30. The whole time I was at Carters buying things I just had my next ultrasound in the back of my mind. It is next Wednesday && with how much baby boy clothes I got Friday this kid better be sporting the boy parts as the doctor was "pretty sure" he saw.

How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain: 13.8 lb.
Maternity clothes? No but I am starting to reconsider my protest against them.
Stretch marks? Nope! :)
Sleep: Pretty good. RJ wakes me up on regular around 4AM though with his insistence to kick.
Best moment last week: Mr. W feeling the baby!
Movement: A lot of kicking throughout the day everyday!
Food cravings: Genghis Grill... Still. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Exhaustion is coming back.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Happy as a clam. 
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound next Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Baby Registry Mayhem.

Who knew that a baby would require this much stuff? Seriously. Have you seen the babyrus suggested checklist? It's kind of absurd, and by kinda I mean really absurd. Holy smokes! I get a headache the second I log on to start working on it and immediately log off, or I start but get overwhelmed in 5 minutes change my mind on everything and delete everything on my registry and then log off. Needless to say I am getting no where fast.

I am pretty certain the direction I am going in terms of the nursery. Nursery colors will be yellow, gray, and white (ha.... just so happens to be the same coloring of my blog apparently) and the theme is going to either be owls or airplanes. I am leaning towards owls... mainly because I have a weird fascination with owls. Don't ask, I don't know why - I just love the damn things.

I thought with a general direction of the nursery all this registry jazz would be a piece of cake. Ha. Yeah. What a piece of cake it has become. I've convinced Mr. W that we are going to actually go to Baby'r'us on Friday evening and do it in the store - I am hoping that it makes it easier to have the items all in front of me instead of having a endless selection via the interwebs.

One baby item that I didn't have to stress over. My beloved snoogle. I got it on sale for just under $45. Yes it takes up 3/4 of the bed and Mr. W complains about not being able to get within 6 inches of me thanks to the border that now divides he and I in the bed... But it keeps me on my left side pretty comfortably for the most part. I wake up annoyed every now and then... my body is pissed at me for not letting it even try to sleep on my back and I still have to swing my leg back over one of my husband's legs - I am sure he had finally escaped the one leg drape that I automatically do the second I get into bed, but alas, even though it isn't horribly comfortable I still do it automatically.
If you're knocked up I fully endorse one of these bad boys.

So yeah, that is my baby registry vent at the moment. I am so worn out but look forward to it maybe being a little easier actually going to the store and doing it with the husbands help. If not I am considering letting someone else make one for me. Anyone up to the task? ... Anyone?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 21. Holla.

Well the halfway point has come and gone, now we are sitting pretty at just 19 weeks until my due date. I can't really suck in Baby W and the tummy anymore. My bump is out and proud. I know a lot of women who dread when this time comes and the baby bump becomes more significant but honestly I love it. Yeah it is kind of hard to see that scale every month and see those numbers higher and higher every time you have your monthly OB GYN appointment... but it is a necessary part of the baby making process. I kind of love wearing more body hugging shirts to show off Baby W. What we as women can do is pretty amazing, I mean I am making a human being here, it's pretty awe inspiring and I am proud of it. And heck my body is going through some pretty crazy changes and going through a lot to produce this offspring... I am not going to hide it away, that's just silly talk! Galatians 1:5 reminds me that God is forming and knitting Baby W together in my tummy and even before. So yes, you will see me walking around in my Buckle shirts with a cami underneath to help with length, and probably my Victoria Secret yoga pants (I pretty much live in them) and flaunting what God has blessed Mr. W & I with. This beautiful baby boy that we both already adore with all of our hearts.

How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain: Apparently my scale is off... 13lb.
Maternity clothes? Nope just sporting my yoga pants a lot more these days.
Stretch marks? Nope! :)
Sleep: Still getting up only once a night. I'll take it while I can!
Best moment last week: Had our 5 month check up and everything is A-OK.
Movement: I feel a lot of butterfly-ness going on from time to time.
Food cravings: Genghis Grill... Still. And pretty much anything spicy! So thankful that heartburn hasn't haunted me yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick? If I stand in one place for too long I start feeling nauseated.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Feeling some flutters and movements.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Thankfully I appear to be one of those pregnant women who aren't raging hormonal nightmares when pregnant. I am pretty happy and positive most of the time. Everyone in awhile I get sad but not really angry ever.
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving holiday and some fried turkey!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 20!

Sound the alarms and a moment of celebration that this venture is half way over and we are that much closer to meeting our little man! Yup yup we are officially at 20 weeks now. Time flies. We had our 5 month appointment today and all is well with baby and momma. Baby's heartbeat is a strong 143 beats per minute and I am starting to get random swirly/butterfly feelings in my tummy which I know is our little one moving around like crazy. I actually felt kicks this week, we have a fetal heart doppler at home - I know ladies who use their doppler every day but I only check in on him every other week or so usually in between doctor appointments. I checked today and found him pretty quickly however within seconds of feeling him I felt him kick the doppler wand and then swim away from that spot. I found him on the other side of my tummy and again he kicked the doppler. It was such a weird feeling and I can't quite explain what it felt like other then being distinctive.

How far along? 20 weeks! AKA the halfway point!
Total weight gain: 11 pounds
Maternity clothes? Nope just extra long shirts and hairbanding my jean buttons still
Stretch marks? Not yet thankfully
Sleep: I get up once a night, usually around 4 to go to the bathroom. Other then that I am sleeping pretty soundly.
Best moment last week: I got some of my energy back!
Movement: Not a whole lot. I did feel kicking today though.
Food cravings: Genghis Grill... like everyday all day
Anything making you queasy or sick? Standing up too fast makes me dizzy.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Not being able to get off my couch as easily as I use to.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Thankfully I have been happy.
Looking forward to: Feeling my little buddy some more!