I am 30 weeks! What the hell!? Where did the time go!? I can't believe we are just around 10 weeks away from holding our baby boy. Feels like just last month I wrote
Everything Changed with One Little Word. Like just last month that I surprised a grumpy husband at home with the fact that he was going to be someone's daddy. It's weird, it's like the days go by slow but the weeks and months go by oh so fast.
With week 30 comes a significant change in the way that I feel. Now more then ever I FEEL pregnant. Bending, squatting, laying down, standing up... All has become much for of a challenge for me, just in time for Mr. W to be out of town. And this kid is becoming more and more active, making his presence known on a constant basis. I had our monthly board meeting to attend this afternoon and through half of it he was kicking and squirming. My emotions are also in overdrive, I think with the combination of impending parenthood, the husband being out of town, work stress, and so forth I have a million more triggers that spring the tears. I still haven't really experienced "pregnancy rage" but I cry at a drop of a hat it seems and for someone that doesn't really physically show being upset... Well, let's just say that it doesn't take much to make my eyes get misty.
30 weeks 2 days
How far along are you? 30 weeks
Total weight gain? 26lb.Yup I've lost some apparently
Maternity Clothes? I own one pair of skinny maternity jeans and have one "official" maternity shirt that I am willing to wear from time to time when I am feeling lazy.
Stretch Marks? Not a one.
Sleep: I am sleeping through the night pretty comfortably. Never underestimate my love for sleep!
Best Moment Last Week? Mr. W and my day together Saturday.
Movement: Mostly in the evening. However it never fails to make him squirm if I cross my arms and rest them on my stomach.
Food Craving: Any spicy.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Labor signs? Nope.
Symptoms? I'm pretty much tired 24/7
Belly button in or out? Still in... barely... but it's in.
Wedding Ring on or off? Still on.
Most common emotion? Currently it's mixed cause Mr. W is out of town.
Looking forward to? My biweekly appointments start tomorrow.
Due Date Countdown : 68 Days!