At least one every 2 weeks or so I have some snarky under the breath question asked about how those tattoos are stretching out followed by some giggling . I guess they expect me to shy away embarrassed that my swallows are the size of big bird or something. However thanks to a gallon of moisturizing my tattoos on a daily basis I haven't seen any negative effects to my tattoos. A couple people suggested that I was only posting my weekly updates with my shirt down because I was probably so ashamed of how bad they look, my stars riddled with stretch marks and the birds at maximum capacity.
The truth is... at least in my case - I haven't been gorging on whatever my heart desired and shoveling food into my mouth at alarming rates. Honestly, my appetite is a third of what it was pre-pregnancy. I crave chicken salads and tea more then anything in the world, the thought of fast food disgusts me, and I do my best to walk every single day even if that just means taking the furthest parking spot available at the mall.
I am proud of my tummy, my entire body is working overtime to make this little tiny human who I feel squirming and kicking inside of me every single day. In no way am I embarrassed about what pregnancy is doing to my body. I like to think that with smart decisions on eating habits and maintaining exercise and proper skin maintenance I have kept at bay some of the dreaded things that so many women fear. Would I be so quick to say these things if I were getting stretch marked up and my swallows did resemble nothing of what they once did? Perhaps. But today I am not afraid to show anyone my baby bump. (Note - You can't see the stars I know, rest assure they still maintain their shape and haven't really stretched at all... They were just below my waistline)
29 weeks & 4 days
(7 months)
3rd Trimester
Baby W is as big as a BUTTERNUT SQUASH!
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