Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Birth Story - December 26, 2014

Well, another little boy has made our way into this world. Our late Christmas present. I feel like I was much more coherent this time around and remember most everything that happened... So here we go.

We arrived at the hospital at 7 in the morning on Friday, December, 26, 2014 at St. Johns Medical Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We went to our delivery suite where we settled in for the delivery of our new itty bitty. I will say that the last several weeks had been pretty difficult, a lot of pain in my hips and pelvic region... I couldn't move in bed, needed help sitting, standing up, and walking hurt like heck. We did what we could to try and induce naturally but had no luck and honestly I couldn't take the discomfort anymore so induction was the name of the game.

It took about an hour to get the show on the road and to start the dreaded pitocin. I started out at about 4cm dilation and 75% effaced, I was having inconsistent contractions for the last couple of weeks but were unable to really feel them. It didn't take long at all for the pitocin to make it's presence known and the real contractions started. Mr. W was a champ, he would count down my contractions for me and let me squeeze the tarnations out of his hand as they came and went about every 2 minutes or so tilted slightly on my left side. 7cm in and around 10:00 I asked for an epidural, the pain was unreal and I was gripping the guard rails for dear life. This is unfortunately where things started going wonky. The anesthesiologist came in, and because of hospital policy Mr. W went out - spouses weren't allowed in the room while epidurals are administered. While the nurse and Dr. discussed their holiday schedules he attempted twice to administer my epidural before he said he was successful. The pain while he was administering it was crazy. I could feel the epidural needle in my back both times and I just had to sit there perfectly still and take it. God only knows how I didn't move during it. I then felt the "ice chill" down my back and was relieved that my pain relief was well on it's way. They kept asking if my feet were getting heavier, but the heavy feet never came, the dullness of the contractions never happened... I kept pushing the button every 15 minutes for more medication but all that happened was my stomach numbed from my chest to my belly button... which if you've ever been in labor that isn't really where your pain occurs. Because I had a epidural I had to get a catheter. I assume the nurse just assumed that my  numbing was taking a little longer but was in the process because she began inserting it, and I WASN'T numb. Oh my lanta. There are NO words of the pain of getting a catheter and not being numbed. I think that was the only time I cried and maybe let out a shout. That hurt like crazy.

It took about 50 minutes for them to do the epidural attempts, and I sat there feeling everything for about hour. When they were going to go get the anesthesiologist to see about trying the epidural again they decided to check dilation, in that hour I dilated to 10cm and the urge to push started. I started saying I couldn't do it, I wanted to go home, squeezing Mr. W's hand and the guard rail of the bed. The pain was unreal. I laid there trying not to push while they started preparing the room for the delivery. I vaguely remember  my doctor coming in and me jokingly mentioning that I got a epidural and it didn't work in between the contractions I was having. At about 12:20 it was time to start pushing, I had to be convinced to hold my legs because all I wanted to do was hold the rails of the bed. It took about 11 minutes of pushing, before he made his arrival.

So I unintentionally had a over 10 pound baby all natural. Where's my medal? Haha! Labor and delivery were crazy intense.... but the moment that he was placed in my arms it all melted away and I was just happy he was in my arms finally. Raiden is adjusting to life as a big brother still. We went to Texas the day after he was born for some reinforcement from my parents and sister. We spent a week there before we headed back home to settle in to life with our new addition. It is overwhelming, crazy, and just plain exhausting... but absolutely amazing. That being said... I think I am good waiting several years before you hear another birth story come out of me! I am good with just me && my boys.

Kingston Augustus Gotham Williams
Born on December 26, 2014 @ 12:31PM
10 pounds 4 ounces, 22 inches long

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