Sound the alarms and a moment of celebration that this venture is half way over and we are that much closer to meeting our little man! Yup yup we are officially at 20 weeks now. Time flies. We had our 5 month appointment today and all is well with baby and momma. Baby's heartbeat is a strong 143 beats per minute and I am starting to get random swirly/butterfly feelings in my tummy which I know is our little one moving around like crazy. I actually felt kicks this week, we have a fetal heart doppler at home - I know ladies who use their doppler every day but I only check in on him every other week or so usually in between doctor appointments. I checked today and found him pretty quickly however within seconds of feeling him I felt him kick the doppler wand and then swim away from that spot. I found him on the other side of my tummy and again he kicked the doppler. It was such a weird feeling and I can't quite explain what it felt like other then being distinctive.

How far along? 20 weeks! AKA the halfway point!
Total weight gain: 11 pounds
Maternity clothes? Nope just extra long shirts and hairbanding my jean buttons still
Stretch marks? Not yet thankfully
Sleep: I get up once a night, usually around 4 to go to the bathroom. Other then that I am sleeping pretty soundly.
Best moment last week: I got some of my energy back!
Movement: Not a whole lot. I did feel kicking today though.
Food cravings: Genghis Grill... like everyday all day
Anything making you queasy or sick? Standing up too fast makes me dizzy.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Not being able to get off my couch as easily as I use to.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Thankfully I have been happy.
Looking forward to: Feeling my little buddy some more!
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