Well the halfway point has come and gone, now we are sitting pretty at just 19 weeks until my due date. I can't really suck in Baby W and the tummy anymore. My bump is out and proud. I know a lot of women who dread when this time comes and the baby bump becomes more significant but honestly I love it. Yeah it is kind of hard to see that scale every month and see those numbers higher and higher every time you have your monthly OB GYN appointment... but it is a necessary part of the baby making process. I kind of love wearing more body hugging shirts to show off Baby W. What we as women can do is pretty amazing, I mean I am making a human being here, it's pretty awe inspiring and I am proud of it. And heck my body is going through some pretty crazy changes and going through a lot to produce this offspring... I am not going to hide it away, that's just silly talk! Galatians 1:5 reminds me that God is forming and knitting Baby W together in my tummy and even before. So yes, you will see me walking around in my Buckle shirts with a cami underneath to help with length, and probably my Victoria Secret yoga pants (I pretty much live in them) and flaunting what God has blessed Mr. W & I with. This beautiful baby boy that we both already adore with all of our hearts.

How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain: Apparently my scale is off... 13lb.
Maternity clothes? Nope just sporting my yoga pants a lot more these days.
Stretch marks? Nope! :)
Sleep: Still getting up only once a night. I'll take it while I can!
Best moment last week: Had our 5 month check up and everything is A-OK.
Movement: I feel a lot of butterfly-ness going on from time to time.
Food cravings: Genghis Grill... Still. And pretty much anything spicy! So thankful that heartburn hasn't haunted me yet.
Anything making you queasy or sick? If I stand in one place for too long I start feeling nauseated.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Feeling some flutters and movements.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most the time? Thankfully I appear to be one of those pregnant women who aren't raging hormonal nightmares when pregnant. I am pretty happy and positive most of the time. Everyone in awhile I get sad but not really angry ever.
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving holiday and some fried turkey!!!
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