Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The dreaded "I" word

I knew the discussion would come up eventually. Despite my resistance and persistence I knew. My doctor had made it quite clear he didn't like pregnancies getting past the 41 week mark. But at 36 weeks I thought we still had time before this discussion was had.


My doctor was called away for an emergency c-section so I got to visit with his assistant who fills in when he is off delivering babies and whatnot. The conversation started with a question, which was encouraging.

How do you feel about talking about medical induction?
I quickly shot it down, saying I don't talk about it because I don't believe in it especially at this point and in a pregnancy that has had no complications. But of course I get the spill, they feel better scheduling a induction date now so come my due date coming and going I will have a spot secure to make sure I don't make it to 41 weeks. I was hesitant to say the least, but these were my doctor's policies and I didn't see winning the argument. So I stressed how important it was that it be pretty much the 41st week before I would be okay with it. They seemed to understand and encouraged more physical activity and such in hopes that labor could be induced naturally.

About an hour later I got a call with my induction date. March 25th. For those who have been keeping up, when is my due date? March 25th. Yup my wishes were completely ignored and if this kid hasn't decided to make an appearance before his due date doctors want to stick an IV in me and force him out.

At first I was super frustrated with this decision as was Mr. W. But after a little but of time to come to terms I am determined to look at the brighter sides of things. In no less then 26 days I will be holding my son regardless. I am scared about the thought of using pitocin and how much more painful the contractions will be. I am going to ask for membrane sweeps starting on week 38. A membrane sweep is done during a routine internal examination, usually when they are checking for dilation. The doctor sweeps his finger around the cervix (the neck of the womb) separating the membranes from the amniotic sac surrounding your baby from the cervix which causes prostaglandin hormones to be released which can kick start labor. Not all women approve of this invasive procedure but I feel faced with either a medically induced labor with pitocin or a membrane sweep I would prefer the latter, I feel like I have a better shot of withstanding labor and not being as tempted to allow an epidural if I go into labor via the sweep rather then with pitocin.

So there you have it... Looks like we are just days away from holding Baby W in our arms and starting this new chapter of our life. I can't begin to express the many emotions running through me. I am scared to death, but excited at the same time to enter this thing called Mommyhood.

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