Well here we are, our last week before Baby W is considered full term! We are 29 days away from our estimated due date of March 25th! This pregnancy has been a pretty easy one thankfully (knock on wood!) and I've really enjoyed every minute of it - About 2 days ago or so though it started to kick in, as Baby W is running out of room I find his foot lodged into my rib cage on a pretty regular basis. He is starting to pack on about an ounce a day of weight and is close to 6 pounds now roughly according to the standard growth pace at 36 weeks. With that comes extra pelvic pressure, bladder pressure, and severe lower back pain. Yup, at 36 weeks I can officially say I am pretty uncomfortable on a regular basis. At this point doing anything has become a chore of great magnitude. At our last doctor appointment they did the oh so fun Strep B test and then the doctor checked for dilation of my cervix. He was disappointed to find that I had only dilated to 1cm and he was wanting that dilation to be a 2 or 3cm. So I was put on orders to be more active and do more walking and activities... a far cry from the week before and being told to rest more and get that blood pressure down, but considering my blood pressure when back down to 128/85 they seem less concerned with my blood pressure.

Last night was rough, I had my first real stint of nausea occur, of course it was when we were out for dinner and I didn't even get to my entree before I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to go throw my brains up! Then we went home and I rested, my stomach looked like a scene from alien as Baby W was stretching his feet out against my stomach wall making it protrude in all sorts of crazy ways. I swear my kid is already preparing to be a MMA fighter and had me wincing in pain quite a bit. I wouldn't change it for the world though. It is so crazy to to physically see him moving around and boy let me tell you he is super active on a constant basis. It has started making work and minor tasks more and more difficult though. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am super thankful to have such a supportive and helpful husband through all of this because I couldn't do it without him!
How far along are you? 36 weeks today!
Total weight gain? 32.5 lb..
Maternity Clothes? I bought a couple more larger Buckle tops but no additions to the maternity purchases.
Stretch Marks? Seems to not be increasing any. Whew.
Sleep: I wake up about 2 times a night, getting to sleep is starting to be difficult just because of the discomfort.
Best Moment Last Week? We got our crib in this weekend
Movement: Constant.
Food Craving: Same.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Labor signs? I am 1cm Dilated. Wah wah.
Symptoms? A lot more movement and lots of lower pressure starting.
Belly button in or out? flat.
Wedding Ring on or off? On, however I am about to start wearing it around my neck because I don't want to risk it getting stuck!
Most common emotion? Anxious for March!
Looking forward to? Next doctor appointment on Wednesday. Here is hoping I am dilated further!!!
Baby W is the size of a honeydew!
Love the visual of the stages of dilation! Kinda crazy but I guess its a blessing because baby would never come out otherwise! I'm about 8 weeks behind you and decided to start wearing my ring on a necklace already just because a friend of mine had to get her ring cut off when she was pregnant. That got me nervous! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThat dilation chart makes me shudder. A bagel is SO BIG. Yipes. I mean, I know how big babies are and I know he has to come out of me. Still, every time I see a chart on how big 10cm is I have a "holy crap what have I done?!" moment.