On Wednesday, April 16 - just a couple weeks after our son Raiden's first birthday party - We found out that we are expecting a baby. I was about 10 days late, but I am still nursing so I didn't think too much of it. But I took 2 dollar store tests and both came up with barely there lines. This time I didn't record Mr. W's reaction, but I did get the type of response I expected the first time around that I didn't get! I figured if I set something up he would suspect something, so when he walked into the door from work I asked him how his day was and he replied it was a great day and asked how mine was and I just said "Well, I'm pregnant." His mouth dropped and he repeated what I just said and hugged and kissed me. I feel a odd sense of satisfaction that I actually caught him off guard this time around.
The next day I bought a package of EPT tests, I know it's silly but the dollar store tests were so hard to make out. The EPT tests both immediately came up with big fat plus signs.
I have my first prenatal appointment next week and the first ultrasound 2 weeks later. It is so surreal to be going through these motions again, and although surprised and caught off guard, we are so excited about having another baby! We are guesstimating that I am about 6 weeks currently, it is hard to pin point since I am nursing and my cycle is a little jinky.
The shock is starting to subside a bit that we are pregnant with another baby. It is very different going through the first trimester exhaustion when you are running after a 1 year old all day. I nap when I can, which is usually when my little guy naps.
I know that a lot of people tell me they don't get as excited about things with the second pregnancy as the first, that they forget the baby bump pictures, they forget to note when they felt their first kick or heard the heart beat and I am determined not to be that way. So I fully plan on blogging this pregnancy just as I did with our last. I love having this record of the ups and downs of a pregnancy. I am also thinking, if I can get Mr. W to go along with it, we might wait to find out if it is a boy or girl till delivery. Can I hold out that long? I don't know. Maybe? Doubtful. But maybe.
I am also in the process of growing out my pixie. So I might just document that as well so stick that up your pipe and smoke it!
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2 months of growing out the hair. |
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6 weeks - I call it "Bloat Bump" |
How far along are you? 6 weeks (could change pending ultrasound)
Total weight gain? 0Maternity Clothes? Fully intend on going the Buckle route again
Stretch Marks? Just the ones that are fading from the first baby!
Sleep: I am SO tired all the time right now.
Best Moment Last Week? Finding out we were pregnant
Movement: n/a
Food Craving: Texas Mexican food!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Labor signs? n/a
Symptoms? exhaustion mainly, and tata sensitivity - nursing hurts SO much right now!
Belly button in or out? innie.
Wedding Ring on or off? On.
Most common emotion? Excitement
Looking forward to? Our prenat appointment next week!
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