It's a whole different ballgame being pregnant with a toddler then it was when you haven't created a spawn yet. When you are pregnant with your first your constantly told to take it easy, relax, pamper yourself, take nap, and so on. But when your pregnant with number 2 with a little one nipping at your heels and pulling up on your pant legs you are just a worn out momma with another on the way. You try and take cat naps when your little one is down for a nap but only long enough for a second wind since you have to start laundry and do work while he finishes his nap.
My exhaustion this time around is on a different level then it was with my first pregnancy however my endurance is much better. Raiden is having to learn that momma's tummy is not a catapult anymore. I'm not really showing really but I can't suck in my stomach. I was warned that you can start showing much earlier then you did with your first and I am thinking that is going to ring very true for me.
I am still bracing myself with the idea of having 2 babies under the age of 2. Luckily our little guy gets more and more independent by the day. He still isn't walking but I don't see that being too far off. He has become a great little eater and enjoys a MDO program once a week. I am assuming we will move up his MDO outtings to 3 times a week when #BabyWilliams2 makes it's grand entrance into the world so I can still maintain my sanity and workload.
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I can't suck it in anymore. |
How far along? 7 weeks!
Total weight gain: 0 pounds.Maternity clothes? Nope but I have started my maternity buying at Buckle for this summer and fall.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: I do have to get up at least once a night to use the little girl's room
Best moment last week: Met our OB
Miss Anything? Laying on my stomach.
Movement: Nope.
Food cravings: More like no cravings. The thought of food pretty much disgusts me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Want to bet?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Having the bladder of a hummingbird.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Motivated
Looking forward to: Ultrasound in 2 weeks!!
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