Saturday, December 7, 2013

The aftermath

It has been 257 days since we welcomed our sweet little boy into this world. 257 since delivering a 8 pound 13 ounce bundle of joy.

257 days since I looked like this

And I was sporting a large and in charge bump

I topped out at 235 pounds when I was pregnant, and that was with eating as healthy as I could and walking, now I wish I had continued to do mild weight training and elliptical but shoulda, coulda, woulda right? I lost 47 pounds within 2 weeks of having RJ but still had a ways to go to get back to my before pregnancy weight. I am now 180 pounds, which is my pre pregnancy weight and was my first target weight - yet my body looks nothing like it once did. My stomach is different, my hips wider, my stretch marks... ugh... don't get me started there. Luckily they have faded significantly but they are still there... but I don't know what I was expecting with a almost 9 pound baby - escaping stretch marks would have been difficult for anyone with a baby that size. I want to lose an additional 15 pounds, and after this initial 20 I have lost I am confident I can do it without the use of gimmicks and fads.  I was posting postpartum pictures for a couple months after labor and delivery but haven't in several months. So without delay here is the ooey gooey unedited goodness that is the baby bump without the baby.

I am starting a squats and kettle bell which will hopefully help to tone up a bit more. Honestly I I am not super concerned with toning, probably because just when I get to my ideal toning there is a chance we will be working on baby #2 and I will be resetting right back to where I started. So I am mainly focusing on weight loss and what the scale says which I never did in the past. My goal weight is 155 - 165, which will hopefully keep me out of the 200s next go around when we decide to have another baby.

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