Friday, August 31, 2012

First appointment down, Several to go.

Well my first real doctor appointment didn't quite go as anticipated. There is nothing quite like the humility you learn when you have your legs in stirrups, let me tell you! The husband and I got there bright and early, the "quick" appointment actually ended up being about a 2 1/2 hour process. Unfortunately we didn't get to hear the heartbeat, they said it is common this early.

Based on the fact that I know all the details of my last go around with Aunt Flo my doctor confirmed my due date of March 25, 2013 and that I am 10 weeks (and 4 days today). And everything checked out on the up and up. Then after the fun stuff the doctor came in and said "Let's talk about pregnancy!" which ended up being about a half hour discussion. Oh the joys of maternity let me tell you! Regardless, though despite all the things I have to "look forward to" I am getting more and more excited. I will be honest though I was super bummed we didn't hear the heartbeat. I guess I feel it would have just been reassuring because not hearing it put a pebble of worry and doubt into my head that I can't quite seem to shake.

Then yesterday evening I headed to my favorite store and started shopping for stretching long dress shirts and t-shirts. I promise to try my hardest not to end up in maternity clothes!!! This is my greatest fear:

See. Strikes fear into your heart too doesn't it?

So after our visit and my paranoia I bought a fetal heart monitor online after researching brands and reviews. I settled on the Sonoline B fetal heart monitor - Found it on eBay and with shipping and everything it ran me about $57 or so. Hopefully I get it quickly so I can start trying to find the heartbeat at home. 

Otherwise I have to wait till September 13th for my sonogram and at that point I will be 12 weeks and 3 days which also means I am nearing the end up of my first trimester. Yay! So happy about that because from what I have read and been told I will be getting my energy back come the second trimester. *Happy Dance*

Tonight I will post my 10 week picture so stay tune for an update!

How far along? 10 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 4 pounds (EEEEK!)
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I am starting to buy stretchier things for comfort
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Still trying to train myself to sleep on the left and I am up at least once a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week: Had our first OB GYN appointment!

Miss Anything? Caffeine!!! 
Movement: Not fore quite awhile longer.
Food cravings: Cheese fries & Fried pickles
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of the litter box.
Gender: Check back in 6 weeks or so

Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Acme. BOO!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Slightly concerned still. I just want to hear Baby W's heartbeat. :(
Looking forward to: Our doctor appointment in 2 weeks and getting my fetal heart monitor!!!

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