Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pinterest Addiction

I admit. I have a problem. I am addicted to Pinterest, and we aren't talking a little addiction. I straight up need rehab for it. I find myself on the site every day - of coursing my pinning trend seems to have changed a bit - being that the only two boards I pin on anymore is my baby board and my culinary board. I am not shy to say that I am pretty sure I have the most epic and amazing culinary board this side of Tallahassee! Yet my baby board is catching up in awesomeness. I started looking at cribs last weekend, and after Thursday I feel like I will have a more defined direction that we want to go.

We have yet to start working on the nursery, our spare bedroom is a disaster zone. When we moved into our apartment 2 years ago that was our random stuff with no place to go room, then when we got a new bed set it was the room for our old mattresses  when we replaced our makeshift dresser with a actual dresser it met it's fate in the spare bedroom as well. Now you can barely open the door there is so much stuff just piled up inside. I intend to make my first dent this coming Saturday - even if we don't end up living in this apartment come baby time it would be nice to have a clean empty room to store our baby stuff that we are slowly collecting and maybe giving our cat Axel the clear point that the bassinet and the car seat are not his personal beds.
However I doubt that will do it with his apparent love for these new house items.

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